Merlin Nestling

This ball of fluff is a Merlin nestling! It was brought in yesterday afternoon after spending over a day in a garden amongst the strawberries. The finders could not locate a nest, so the decision was made to bring him in to MARS. Merlins do not build their own nests...


This is the eagle who shared the spotlight with helicopter pilot Norm Snihur on CHEK News last week. Rescued from beautiful Stewart Island, it seemed fitting to call him ‘Stewart’. He has a broken bone in the upper left wing. The wing wrap will keep it...
Chopper Pilot to the Eagle Rescue

Chopper Pilot to the Eagle Rescue

On June 9 MARS needed some help to get an injured eagle to our facility and we called on a faithful volunteer to come to the rescue! CHEK News June 9, 2015 “Chopper pilot Norm Snihur has flown 1223 animal rescues Norm Snihur spent over five hours in the air on...

Merganser Predicament!

Lucky for this female Common Merganser, someone observed her falling into this upended culvert in Comox Lake! MARS was contacted and a rescue effort was put in motion. Thank you to the Cumberland Fire Department for assisting with their boat. Thanks also to animal...

New Eagle at MARS

This eagle was discovered on a beach unable to fly, in a remote area on the west coast of Nootka Island, which is located on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Thank You to his rescuer Steve Wall, for not only capturing the bird but flying him inland, where we were...

What if You Dialed 911 and No One Answered?

What if you dialed 911 and no one answered? That’s the kind of scenario that the Comox Valley and many of our Northern neighbours are facing if Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society (MARS) doesn’t find a way to build a new wildlife treatment facility! Our existing clinic...

Uncommon Baby at MARS!

We never know what will come through the door during baby season but we don’t often get these little guys. This is a baby mink! His eyes are not even open yet. This baby will likely be sent to another centre specializing in mammal rehab but for now, we are...

Introducing… ‘K’

Today is World Turtle Day and so is the perfect time to introduce the newest member of our MARS family! We call her ‘K’ and she is a box turtle. Box turtles are not indigenous to the island and therefor she is non releasable. ‘K’ has a lot of...

Baby Owl Gets A Lift!

Sometimes a little creativity is needed to get the job done. Just last week this baby owl needed to be put back up into the trees, so Reg fashioned a nest from a milk crate and hoisted him up. Brilliant! Please support our crowdfunding campaign to build a new wildlife...

Stella Sings for MARS!

This is the long awaited debut of Stella and Sophie’s song ‘Soaring Free’, which was was specifically created to help MARS with fundraising for the new facility. Donations can be made at Stella wants all proceeds...

Mother Goose Saves the Day!

We had an exciting day today at MARS! Two orphaned goslings were brought into MARS this morning and were both released a few hours later!  The goslings were released so quickly because our top priority is making sure that our patients thrive in the wild and the...

Happy Earth Day! Do something for your Environment TODAY!

MARS Volunteers were out on the NEW MARS property on Sunday Bashing BROOM, an evil invasive plant spreading its yellow death up the coast of Vancouver Island.  If you want to help – BASH Broom in BLOOM, pick up garbage, in fact don’t put garbage out there...