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Eaglets Released
These two eaglets were brought in to MARS this summer. Both were from Hornby Island. They were sent over to O.W.L. on the mainland, to be raised by one of their wonderful adult foster parent eagles. On October 4th & 5th, they were returned...
Big Brown Bat
Something out of a horror movie? Naw, just a cute Big brown bat with a voracious appetite for mealworms. 25 for breakfast today in fact! Bats are very important to us. Some species eat thousands of insects in an evening! Others pollinate many...
Vaux’s Swift Nestlings
We have some uncommon babies at MARS. Four Vaux's Swift nestlings! They are a challenge to raise but so far, so...
Thank you to Unity Comox Valley
MARS Wildlife Rescue would like to thank Unity Comox Valley for hosting the “Jazz in the Den” event on October 22. They donated a portion of the proceeds to our organization. Jim Vining and Collin Massie provided a great afternoon of music....
Great Blue Heron
MARS Moment 2011 by Sandy Fairfield, MARS Education Coordinator The shorelines along the eastcoast of Vancouver Island, from Parksville to Campbell River, are home to one of the most easily recognized shore birds: the Great Blue Heron....
MARS Moment by Sandy Fairfield, MARS Education Coordinator On April 22nd, during our "Walk for Wildlife" we had an urgent call from an eye witness to rescue a bird that had just "fallen from the sky". Two bald eagles were performing their...
Belted Kingfisher
MARS Moment August 2011 by Sandy Fairfield, MARS Education Coordinator It's easy to miss a solitary, motionless bird perched along a river bank, shoreline or lake as it sits waiting for an unsuspecting fish to pass by, but a raucous rattling...
Harbour Seal
MARS Moment 2011 by Sandy Fairfield, MARS Education Coordinator Seals always seem to be surrounded by controversy: naturalists love them but recreational fishermen are not so enamoured. Seals are, however, an important part of the food chain, providing...
North American Red Squirrel
MARS Moment June 2011 by Sandy Fairfield, MARS Education Coordinator In the ten years I have been volunteering at Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society, this year has been the busiest Baby Wildlife Season I have ever experienced. After the late...
MARS Moment May, 2011 by Sandy Fairfield, MARS Education Coordinator Our spring continues to be very slow to warm up and this has meant a late start for many wildlife species. Last week the first baby mammal arrived at MARS: the tiny “masked...